Category Archives: Tech Tip

Choosing a Mountain Rifle Scope

Classifying a mountain rifle scope Before embarking on the process to choose any new optic let alone a mountain rifle scope it is paramount to establish exactly what it is for. Easiest way to do this is set hard feature and performance requirements so that you absolutely ensure your scope will achieve its role. The […]

StrelokPRO Kestrel D3 Drop

UPH CZ455 Trainer Strelokpro drop

Quick summary, we think that the StrelokPRO Kestrel D3 Drop combination is currently the best beginners/medium range hunters ballistic app and environment meter system on the market right now. Despite the slightly counter intuitive guided user interface of StrelokPRO (e.g. load and bullet selections at the bottom of the screen w.t.f?), it is easy to […]

Novagrade Smartphone, Tablet and Camera Adaptors.


Novagrade PDI is very excited about bringing innovative Novagrade smartphone, tablet and camera adaptor products to the Australian market. In our recent blog post, Bolly Featherweight Test, we tested a completely 3D printed phone adaptor, while cheap, it was clumsy, didn’t line up properly, image quality was less than ideal and it would only fit 1 […]